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Is there a deposit on this?

Is there a deposit on this?

Find out if there is a deposit on the can or bottle here.

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Help with the deposit handling?

Help with the deposit handling?

Pantamera has services according to your needs. Do you have a business that wants to recycle deposits? Or do you want to connect your products to the deposit system?

Welcome to contact us!

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Deposit for your association

Deposit for your association

Pour all your deposit in Pantamera Express and donate the deposit money to your association!

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Digital Visit

Take a digital tour in the deposit factory!

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Is deposit statistics anything for you?

Is deposit statistics anything for you?

Take a look at the latest deposit statistics covering all of Sweden.

In Sweden, we are among the best in the world when it comes to using a deposit system. Swedes are very happy with their deposit system and the positive attitude towards using the system is increasing over time. Trust in the deposit system is high, with 83 per cent of Swedes stating that they have high or very high confidence in the system. This can be seen from the SIFO survey that Returpack commissioned in 2019.

Climate and environmental issues are high on the agenda for many. The most recent SIFO survey confirms this picture. Almost 8 out of 10 Swedes feel that they are doing something for the environment when using the deposit system for their cans and bottles.

- The fact that so many people associate using a deposit system with doing something for the environment confirms that we are doing an important job when we communicate the environmental benefit of this simple everyday act, says Rickard Andersson, Product Manager at Returpack.

Young men and women are the group that sticks out somewhat in the survey. They state that they are slightly less likely to use the deposit system than the population as a whole, while at the same time being responsible for higher consumption of beverages in cans and bottles. Young women are also the group that claims to have the greatest confidence in the Swedish deposit system, with as many as 87 per cent stating they have high or very high confidence.

- It is doubly important to reach this group. At the same time as using the deposit system to a lower extent, they also account for a high level of consumption. Young people also have a slightly different consumption pattern compared to others, and consume more drinks when they are on the go, says Rickard Andersson. 

To acquire further knowledge about young adults, Returpack has collaborated with the Youth Barometer. Their analyses clearly show that young people today are more value-driven. They identify with their leisure interests, what they spend their money on and the accounts they follow on social media. They also feel that they are able to influence society to a greater degree than young people have done in previous generations.

- It is clear that young people are more environmentally and climate conscious, and that they consider this to be the most important social issue. This provides us with a great opportunity to continue to influence this group in the right direction, says Rickard Andersson.

In 2020, Returpack is placing additional focus on meeting young people’s needs and increasing accessibility for this group. As a first step, Returpack is conducting youth focus groups in collaboration with the Youth Barometer.