Sponsorship policy
Our sponsorship policy sets out guidelines for how Returpack should work with sponsorship partnerships. Returpack has chosen to focus its sponsorship collaborations on two different levels.
Overall national level
At an overall level, Returpack collaborates with one partner at a time. We only sponsor initiatives that are consistent with our values and other policies.
Since 2015, Returpack has been the main sponsor of Svensk Innebany (the Swedish Floorball Association). Our sponsorship collaboration with Svensk Innebandy aims to influence attitudes and behaviour regarding the use of the deposit system in the target group of children and young adults. The collaboration is taking place at association level.
Customer level
As a customer of the deposit system, you can apply for support for activities that contribute to an increased collection of cans and PET bottles. For each individual request, Returpack makes an assessment of whether sponsorship is possible or not. We primarily sponsor non-profit associations, school classes, charities or initiatives to raise money for charity. We only sponsor initiatives that are consistent with our values and other policies. Examples of sponsorship can include deposit containers, bags, help with transport or marketing materials. As a customer of the deposit system, you can apply for support for activities that contribute to the increased collection of deposit packages.