What can I deposit?
All cans and bottles with a Swedish deposit marking are included in the Swedish deposit system.
Where can I deposit?
The most common place to redposit is in the stores recycling machines. If you have a lot of packages to deposit a Pantamera Exporess machine is something for you?
Facts & Statistics
In Sweden, our goal is for 90 percent of all cans and PET bottles to be recycled. And we are almost there.
Help with the deposit handling?
Pantamera has services according to your needs. Do you have a business that wants to recycle deposits? Or do you want to connect your products to the deposit system?
Breweries, Producers & Importers
All beverage packaging in plastic and metal must be part of an approved recycling system in order to be sold in Sweden
Grocery stores
Connect your grocery store to the deposit system free of charge.
Café & Restaurant
Connect your business to the deposit system for free.
We have multiple solutions for your campsite or marina.
Festivals & Events
We have the solution for the deposit handling at your event!
Office & Workplace
We can offer different solutions for handling the deposit on your workplace.
Association customer - this is how it works
As a non-profit association, you have the possibility to sign up for Pantamera's association concept and earn money on your deposit.
All non-profit associations that are registered in the deposit system and leave deposit at one of our deposit points automatically participate in Föreningskampen.
Floorball association
Pantamera is the proud main sponsor of Swedish Floorball since 2015. We want to contribute to a nicer sport both on and off the field.
Learn more in Pantresan - the talkshow! (Only in Swedish)
Learn more about recycling! (only in Swedish)
Digital visit
Visit the deposit factory on a digital study visit.
Together with Friends, we have launched #pantamotmobbning.
Clean Sweden
Together with Clean Sweden, the sports environmental organization, we run a national collaboration called #Städamera.
Keep Sweden Tidy
Together with the foundation Keep Sweden Tidy, Pantamera works to produce concrete, educational material aimed at preschools and schools.
Is deposit statistics anything for you?
Take a look at the latest deposit statistics covering all of Sweden.